Thursday, March 20, 2014

Tecumseh Volunteer Appreciation Night

I'm behind on my posts because my laptop was in repair for a good 3 weeks and school's been a little crazy! On January 10th was the volunteer appreciation night, which acknowledges all those that volunteer with the Town of Tecumseh throughout the year. I am honoured to have been invited! I even received my own volunteer pin which is now forever on my sash. The event took place at the new retirement facility on Riverside Drive. It's a really beautiful facility! There was a large assortment of fruits, veggies, and desserts which is where I spent a good part of my night. Two town members were recognized for their volunteer achievments that night. Jan Wright, whom I met at the Terry Fox Run this past September, received the Donald "Donny" Massender Memorial Volunteer Award for her many years of organizing the Terry Fox Run held annually. The recipant of the Dr. Henri Breault Community Excellence Award Recipient was John McGivney, the founder of the John McGivney Children's Center. Both have dedicated years to volunteering for the community, which is so inspirational to me. Giving back to the community is important and is something I plan to do for as long as I'm able to! 

Photo Credit to Wright Photography

Me with Tecumseh Town Council
Me with Chelsae and Emily (Miss Tecumseh Pageant Directors)

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